Education Hub
The place to get information on tools to utilize in session and during outreach. Thank you
Clinical Tools
Preparing your presentation
Start with making a list: (or keeping a running list) of ideas for presentations based off your experience or the needs of the community.
Solidify topic and presenters: When choosing a topic think about what is relevant to
1) community needs,
2) current climate/social issues,
3) multicultural considerations of the community,
4) a gap in research/information.
Check CP templates/education hub for information that has already been created.
Figure out expertise: Discuss what you and your co-presenters experience is with the topic. Ideally, at least one presenter will have specialized knowledge of the topic.
Specialized knowledge may include: extra training, education, research, years of clinical practice with a specific population/concern.
You may need to consult with a specialist or get further training before presenting to gain expertise.
Start an outline of the presentation: Figure out/write down-
1) What format do you want? (PowerPoint, roundtable discussion, poster)
2) Where do you present this information? (At CP, Raleigh Founded, Online via Zoom)
3) Do you need funding? (Discuss this with CP Administrators for approval with a proposed budget)
4) When will this be? (Take into account time it takes to advertise, personal schedule conflicts, and national or local holidays)
5) Are there access concerns? (Are there cultural implications? Is the format accessible for those with disabilities? Do you need translation/interpreters? Do you need subtitles enabled?)
6) What are the time limits? (Be cognizant of the topic when picking the length of the conversation/presentation)
Start creating: Begin to input information relevant to the topic into the format for presenting.
If you have co-presenters figure out who will present what information.
Proof your work: Have a colleague review your project.
Have them give you feedback on grammar, topic choice, and general advice.
Advertise: Create flyers, emails, and other advertising components to get the word out. You want an audience!
If you need help with advertising, contact CP director/organizers to see if there are professionals who can assist.
Practice, practice, practice: It is best practice to practice! Do a complete run through of your presentation before presenting. If you want feedback, have a trial with colleagues.
Get feedback: After your presentation, have the participants give feedback via the CP feedback form.
Make sure you thank the participants for their feedback.
PsychoEducation Development Process
*still in development*
(To have a more modern them for slide. More videos and stylish slide. About Counseling Professionals slide, Title slide, slide for Data comparison, Slides for References for making the logical arguments and citing research.
Reference these youtube presentations for ideas:
Video Introductions:
Good visual tools:
Data and Pie Animation:
Emotional Video Direction:
Design Tips:
Medical Research Resources
Presentation Templates
Presentation Recordings
Residual Income Content Development
Clinical Tools
Resources by Diagnosis
Facebook groups:
Sincerely, Your Autistic Child: What People on the Autism Spectrum Wish Their Parents Knew About Growing Up, Acceptance, and Identity
Unmasking Autism - Dr. Devon PriceLaziness Does Not Exist - Dr. Devon Price
We're Not Broken - Erica Garcia
Not specifically Autism, but helpful books:
Beyond Behaviors - Dr. Mona Delahooke
The Explosive Child - Dr. Ross Greene
Lost at School - Dr. Ross Greene
Raising Human Beings: Creating a Partnership with Your Child - Dr. Ross Greene
Helpful Websites
Other Helpful Tools

DSM Diagnosis Tree