CP Steering Committee


The Archer represents the company and the forces of the company. This position is either held by a company owner or a representative appointed by the company owners. They do not represent the company owners, but the health, wellbeing, and soul of the company as it was founded and intended to improve society. Their goal is to aim and move forward to goals, missions, and the company vision. The Archer also represents the Acheron (the underground river that is unseen, but molds the landscape upon which the company operates) by being aware of the systems and the situations that influence outcome. The Archer keeps their eye on the target of the company and the different rings around the vision. The Archer is also aware of where the company stands, thinks dynamically to reach goals by considering time, influences, and strategy. The Archer aims in awareness of three rings, the company, the staff, and the customers. The Archer stands at the location of the last destination of a decisions to take aim at the next target and strives to move toward ever stronger places to stand. The Archer is to forever stand for the vision of the company and advocates for the mission, systems and purpose of the alliance of all associated with the company.


The Advocate represents and stakeholders (Staff, Contractors, and Employees, and clients) and advocates for the people engaged with alliance with the company. The advocate considers the advancement of the individuals, their lives, their struggles, their growth and how to improve their lives through company resources. The Advocate is the heart and soul of what makes the company. The Advocate is responsible keep the company in tune with the humanity that makes up company. The advocate does not represent the company, but considers the company and weighs the security of the current company benefits and services to the alliance of those associated with the company and the advancement of all in the future. The Advocate negotiates for the alliance and is elected by the stakeholders. The Advocate is aware and in toon with in the alliance. The Advocate also must protect the alliance from itself if their is someone who does not stand for the long term goals and advance of the betterment of all. Advocates will bring the desires of the alliance to a vote and represent the decision of the majority. As a face to society, the Advocate supports each individual as a representative of the whole, with all being equal based on belief in the vision, mission, and values for which we stand.


The Arbiter holds the scales and is the fulcrum between decision and implementation of progress for advancement. The Arbiter is the balance between the place where things are and where the company wants to be. They are a problem solver, plan devisor, and critical thinker that works with factors, figures, systems, and resources to implement and captain's change. They can adjust things as need be to insurance the safety and strength of the alliance and company. The Arbiter works with the Archer and Advocate to set reasonable expectations and timelines, but also devise back up plans and safety. The Arbiter is not a risk taker, but is aware of the markets inherent risk and plans for trouble. The Arbiter works with legal resources, ethics, and community partners to navigate the path to the target. The Arbiter has to be invited by and agreed upon by both the Archer and the Advocate. If a multiple set of Advocates are chosen, then a vote by stakeholders can be sent to verify the Arbiter. The Arbiter is responsible for the ship and the safety of all who are onboard and the safe passage to the future goals. The Arbiter is a truth teller and manager who deals with reality.

IMPORTANT NOTE: No role can vote on their own pay for their role or pay of any other company role that they may hold. All pay decisions are handled by the owners for 2022 to 2024 and re-evaluated at that time with the goal of passing off that responsibility for pay that goes to the steering committee roles or administrative roles be determined by Advocate and Vote by company staff, contractors, and employees who are provided information about the pay as it compares to the industry and hours of effort put forth in the task with the returns and benefits of those efforts. The outcome of that vote will then be approved and implemented by the Arbiter based on budget, income, growth, and stability of finances and put into place at a time when all factors align positively.


The optional role of a company owner if the Archer role is held by a representative and not an owner. The Archer or Vision roles can veto or step back from a goal or decision if a strategic decision manifests or presents any danger to the underlining vision, mission, and goals of the company. The vision is a non-paid role beyond any pay they may have from service.

Meeting Times

Times: Second Thursday of Month 12:00 pm

Location: Remote at this time. When at location, it will be at the Voice box, but will always be highbred virtual and in person and asynchronous as well. Voting items will be posted as well as meeting videos


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You will need 2 things to have access to these pages. 1. A CP email and 2. Permission by an Owner of the group

  1. CP Providers

  2. Whole CP Company

  3. Billing Support Team

  4. Presentation and Design

  5. Steering Committee

  6. Onboarding Committee

  7. Consulting Groups

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